In-situ at a distance? Challenges and opportunities for health and place research methods in a post-COVID-19 world Jessica LAUBERT2021-05-18T13:40:36+01:0012/05/2021| Lire la suite
Pertinence des méthodes in-situ pour la recherche en promotion de la santé: trois perspectives terrain Jessica LAUBERT2021-04-02T16:23:07+01:0007/05/2021| Lire la suite
Les maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles peuvent-elles réduire le recours aux urgences ? Jessica LAUBERT2021-04-12T16:53:07+01:0002/04/2021| Lire la suite
Knowledge about own complementary health insurance plan and healthcare consumption: Do the health insured get their money’s worth? Jessica LAUBERT2021-04-12T16:53:20+01:0030/03/2021| Lire la suite
Comparison of a barcode-based smartphone application to a questionnaire to assess the use of cleaning products at home and their association with asthma symptoms Jessica LAUBERT2021-04-13T08:35:58+01:0024/03/2021| Lire la suite