Household cleaning and poor asthma control among elderly women Jessica LAUBERT2021-04-13T10:04:09+01:0023/02/2021| Lire la suite
Widening the gap? Unintended consequences of health promotion measures for young people during COVID-19 lockdown Jessica LAUBERT2021-04-12T17:10:06+01:0022/02/2021| Lire la suite
L’impact des maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles sur le recours aux urgences Jessica LAUBERT2020-12-22T15:28:00+01:0015/12/2020| Lire la suite
Worker’s recovered companies and alternative management in the XXI century in Argentina. Shadows of the colonial heritage and post-colonial imperialist economic history Jessica LAUBERT2021-01-20T17:52:50+01:0010/12/2020| Lire la suite
La santé des enseignants aujourd’hui et demain Jessica LAUBERT2020-12-08T14:45:14+01:0003/12/2020| Lire la suite