Health behaviours of education professionals: any room for improvement? A study of French employees Jessica LAUBERT2020-10-19T07:37:08+01:0016/10/2020| Lire la suite
Contribución al análisis comparativo del mutualismo y los comunes (traduction : Contribution à l’analyse comparative de la mutualité et du commun) Jessica LAUBERT2020-09-24T12:11:27+01:0016/09/2020| Lire la suite
Choice of complementary health insurance coverage and healthcare consumption Jessica LAUBERT2020-09-18T15:40:40+01:0004/09/2020| Lire la suite
One last effort. Are high out-of-pockets at the end-of-life a fatality? Jessica LAUBERT2020-07-15T16:37:48+01:0015/07/2020| Lire la suite
Substitution of ambulatory care by emergency care in Health Professional Shortage Areas in France Jessica LAUBERT2020-07-15T16:34:37+01:0015/07/2020| Lire la suite