Migration and mental health in Europe (the state of the mental health in Europe working group: appendix I) Jessica LAUBERT2014-08-06T08:37:52+01:0006/08/2005| Lire la suite
Differing mental health practice among general practitioners, private psychiatrists and public psychiatrists Jessica LAUBERT2014-08-06T08:36:24+01:0006/08/2005| Lire la suite
General practitioners’ opinions on their practice in mental health and their collaboration with mental health professionals Jessica LAUBERT2014-08-05T11:31:33+01:0005/08/2005| Lire la suite
Level of positive mental health in the European Union: results from the Eurobarometer 2002 survey Jessica LAUBERT2014-08-05T11:30:47+01:0005/08/2005| Lire la suite