Psychotropic medication use in children and adolescents: a study from France Jessica LAUBERT2014-08-05T10:47:10+01:0005/08/2008| Lire la suite
Psychotropic medication use with children and adolescents: a comparative study Jessica LAUBERT2014-12-18T16:11:21+01:0015/06/2007| Lire la suite
Psychotropics in French children and adolescents: utilization patterns and safety issues Jessica LAUBERT2014-12-18T12:32:48+01:0019/08/2007| Lire la suite
How much do Europeans pay for their mental health care ? Results of the ESEMeD survey Jessica LAUBERT2014-12-18T12:34:39+01:0021/10/2007| Lire la suite
What makes people decide who to turn to when faced with a mental health problem? Results from a French survey Jessica LAUBERT2014-08-05T11:10:18+01:0005/08/2007| Lire la suite