Physical activity and cognition in women with vascular conditions Jessica LAUBERT2014-08-05T09:16:42+01:0005/06/2011| Lire la suite
Dietary fat intake in relation to cognitive change in high-risk women with cardiovascular disease or vascular factors Jessica LAUBERT2014-08-05T09:37:28+01:0005/11/2010| Lire la suite
Mental health and functional disability in the elderly: association between post-traumatic stress disorder and dependence in activities of daily living Jessica LAUBERT2014-12-18T11:55:43+01:0016/04/2009| Lire la suite
Depression and anxiety in the elderly: results of a French survey Jessica LAUBERT2014-12-18T16:13:04+01:0006/05/2007| Lire la suite